viernes, 27 de abril de 2012


This week I have learned how to make a good lesson plan even though we didn’t have to see that in multimedia.

Every class has to be interactive so it’s good to start with a warm up, so we can do a fun activity to motivate our students at the beginning of the class.

I read that for every stage of my lesson plan I have to take into account the skill I’m going to teach and the steps to make it like for example, if I made a reading lesson I have to think in exercises that my students are going to learn.

First some vocabulary or maybe the topic to help them know what is the lecture about, that is call pre reading.

Secondly the while reading that is to provide some help and also made them realize any problem than they are going to have.

Finally the post reading that could be the same or different exercises that are on the book.

For homework of course to help our students to have a better knowledge teachers will have to tell their students to read a book at home to get a better comprehension of the L2.

Here are some videos of how to make a good lesson plan.                          

viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


This week I have learned to make power point presentations, we heard about how to make and what things we have to take into consideration when we make one of them.
First of all, we don’t have to put many words on the slides, just key words this will help us to explain in a better way and it will look more professional when we are going to present in front of our students or above other people.

Secondly, we have to put graphics on the slides to make them look more didactic, and also to catch the attention of the viewer.

In my opinion I didn’t really understand the rubric about power point presentations, but with our teacher accessory I started to begin understanding of how to do the presentations in the best possible way.
Here it is an example in a video on how to make good power point presentation.

I also learned about how to teach speaking. Speaking is the most important skill that a language learner must get, without communication there is no language even if that person is an expert in grammar.

I also learned about how to make some activities for my students, I will attach some videos for a better comprehension about those activities.

 Finally in my opinion I will try to explain my students that they have to put their best effort when they do any work, but something that will be really important is that I will respect their thoughts and ideas even if they dont do something completly well. Blogs were made to share our ideas with somebody else and not to criticize what other people thinks, sometimes is not enough to send a lot of homework to our students to see if they understand something, if not to send the correct stuff for their better comprehension about the target knowledge.

sábado, 14 de abril de 2012


This week I have learned from a power point presentation shown by my teacher about some web pages about how to teach, and the most important of those web pages was EDMODO. website was made for a clear and better interaction between the teacher and the student in which can be used for the teacher to do online assignments and also homework for another day or whenever a teacher wants it.
Here I’m going to show you a tutorial for teachers to get the best from EDMODO.

Technology is the biggest tool to be used in the future. If we know how to manage it, we will be able to produce, develop and make better this world. Education is the best way to create a better society in which every single individual will help their country in any social problem to solve those kinds of problems. We as teacher s can help our students to be critical thinkers for their own knowledge fulfillment to help them to get a better quality education and also to make our dream come true as educators “provide knowledge to create a better society with really huge ambitions in any field that they are going to tahe to be good professionals”

sábado, 7 de abril de 2012


If you wondered how to save your most precious information in a place free of viruses here is the solution. In this week we have learned how to make a Dropbox account, Dropbox is an online software in which we can save or store valuable information, most people in the world probably felt in the same way I’m feeling. To carry information in a pent drive sometimes is unsafe and even more when we have to put on risky computers that are full with viruses. Dopbox allows you to store information in a platform up to 2GB, so the next time we want to save information or we want our students to save information we should talk about Dropbox as an alternative to store information.   This is a similar store information software, and you can store up to 5 GB online information. It also has application software for IMAC and android, for me this is the best alternative.
Here is a video in which you can see the advantages and disadvantages of using Dropbox and Sugarsync.

We also learn about a really good page in which students can develop the four skills with very good examples and activities, hundred percent recommended.
The best way to learn the L2.

Here is a video that can help you understand the reason of why to use esl-lab with your students.